Our Story

In 1986 Christ Church in Memphis, TN launched SOS as a means to meet the needs of some of our city’s most vulnerable homeowners. Since then, SOS has repaired more than 1,000 homes in Memphis with more than 25,000 volunteers.

Today SOS operates as its own independent 501(c)3 non-profit Christian organization. Our strategy involves focusing on specific neighborhoods and partnering with homeowners and organizations in those communities. We currently serve the Memphis neighborhoods of Binghampton, The Heights, and Orange Mound.

Through partnerships with other organizations and residents within the communities we serve, SOS is playing a vital role in the holistic Christian community development of these neighborhoods.

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All of our work is done with the gospel at the heart of our motivation. Jesus came to reconcile all things to himself (Colossians 1:20). That is, he came to set right all that has been broken by sin. Today, because of sin, we do not fully experience the Shalom with which God created the world. Through home repair and leadership development, SOS seeks to be a participant in restoring God’s Kingdom on earth through proclaiming this good news to a hurting world.