Now Is Your Chance To Prove It
"Many Christians today say they would have been active participants in the civil rights movement fifty years ago. Now, in the midst of a new civil rights movement, is their chance to prove it."
These powerful words from Jemar Tisby in his book The Color of Compromise are a challenge to modern Christians. Today, as we reflect on and remember the life and legacy of MLK as a champion fighting for the rights of African Americans, I hope and pray that our remembrance and reflection do not merely lead us to say, "We would have done things differently in the past." Rather, let them push us to ask, "How can I be an active participant in fighting for the rights of all people TODAY, especially those who have a history (and present day reality!) of being marginalized?" The work of Dr. King is not over. Let us not settle for complacency or ignorance. Let us move to action.
If you have NOT read Tisby's book, we highly recommend it! Warning: it will prod, push, and challenge you as you read of the Church's history of complacency when it comes to racism in America. It will likely stir strong emotions. However, understanding our history is a vital part of interpreting the world around us today and helping us know how be active participants in bringing more of God's Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Let us not shy away from hard things. Following Jesus is rarely easy and will almost always be hard. But it is always good. Let us follow him in our fight against racism.