Wander the Wild: Sunday Field Notes #1

We put a pause on our Wandering earlier this month (and explained in this social media post). While time has surely not cured all, we are eager to share this Wander the Wild curriculum with you, a humble gift built out of the hope that our personal and corporate pursuits of righteousness, of Jesus-like-ness, will be for our King’s glory and the Kingdom’s good. And, oh!, how we yearn for that!

We invite you now to Wander the Wild with us: to commit to reading the very good news in the Gospels over the next seven weeks and trails, and to seek with us to be a people ever transforming into the likeness of King Jesus and proclaiming that very good Kingdom and it’s reign.

The trails we wander may be steep or slippery, and we invite you to travel along at the pace best for you. Yet we promise, as ones who have seen glimpses of the majesty and can never forget, that the sights and sounds, the good air and clear vistas are worth each step on the trail.

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