#GivingTuesday Show + Tell

Why invest in SOS this #GivingTuesday?

We know you know!

To further the work that God has called SOS to accomplish in important and unique ways: to further the Kingdom of God by showing and telling the servant-hearted, justice-loving, compassion-showing, keep-those-doors-wide-open, I-want-YOU ways of Jesus.

Whether through roof repairs or SOS Builds, Summer Camps or Spring Break Trips, SOS Academy Residents or Summer Staffers, or anything else we put our hands and hearts to…that is the work that we will never give up on.

We’ll keep the words at that and let these pictures from this past year tell more of the story of SOS that we love so dearly:

Please consider a one-time or recurring financial gift to SOS.

Your gift of any amount ($5, $50, $500, or more!) matters and will be stewarded with excellence and great thankfulness.

We are so aware of and humbled by the ways that you carry us forward.

Thank you.

‘Tis the season for pulling out the old photo albums!

Enjoy these oldies and share your favorite SOS pics with us on Facebook or Instagram.

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