A NEW New Year's Resolution
Many of us have already thought through our 2013 New Year's resolutions. But there may be something of great importance that many of us forgot. As we think through things we want to accomplish this year, wouldn't it be wise to think about one of the primary reasons Jesus came to Earth? As you do, you might encounter a resolution that you may have missed.
When his disciples were discussing which of them will sit in the places of highest honor in Jesus' new kingdom, Jesus said something profound:
"Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Mark 10:43b-45
Often our New Year's resolutions are me-centered. "I want to lose weight. I want to exercise more. I want to save money." All of these are certainly good things. But what if we learn from Jesus and set out in 2013 to make an others-centered resolution?
Let's resolve together to serve others during 2013. Look for opportunities to go out of your way to serve someone else. Look for opportunities to follow the pattern of Jesus and lower yourself from your high position to perform tasks or acts of service that are beneath you.
But this resolution can't merely be others-centered. It also must be Christ-centered. Though we didn't deserve it, Jesus came to "give his life as a ransom for many." Though he deserved only to be served, Jesus came "not to be served but to serve." Let's resolve to set our gaze on the One who perfectly accomplished this for us.
You and I will fail over and over. It's January 2, and many of us have already failed at accomplishing what we set out to accomplish only two days ago! Fortunately for us, Jesus never fails. If we set out to do this without looking at Jesus, we'll be utterly disappointed time after time after time.
But when our gaze is set on the One who has already perfectly accomplished this, we're actually motivated to serve even more. We're glad to lower ourselves to serve "the least of these" because we understand that Jesus did this for us. It's not a burden to serve our friends and family because we see how Jesus performed the ultimate act of service for His family.
So let's serve one another in 2013 as a response to seeing the gracious servant-heart of our great King. Will you join with us in this great task?
As we do, friends, neighbors, family, coworkers, and everyone else you come into contact with will see the gospel demonstrated in your life. They'll see a picture of Jesus in you. Jesus will be the only explanation you can give for the life you live. And God will be greatly glorified in this others-centered, Christ-exalting life. I pray that God is glorified in us this year as we serve over self.