Academy Goes to India!

Each year SOS sends their Academy Interns on an International Vision Trip; this year we ended up in…


We met up with a group from Billings, Montana and joined an NGO to share the truths of Christ with people living in some of the villages north of Mussoorie. It was a challenging, fun and awesome trip! After travelling by plane, train, and windy mountain roads we ended up at our campsite. Both days we split into two teams to hike to villages nearby and share.

One team hiked while stopping to ask if we could talk about Jesus in the villages. We had the joy of sharing stories from the Bible, our own testimonies, or specific Scripture while sitting in people’s homes with them, often drinking chai, and later playing with their kids. It was beautiful the way people welcomed us in, served us, and allowed us to share with them!

The second team held a medical camp in a village for the day. Individuals and families came to see the doctors and were told of Jesus as being the One True Physician. The non-medical ones of us got to help with bringing people in to the doctor, play with the beautiful children, and take a whole lot of pictures (the kids LOVE the camera!). At one of these villages we worked in a Christian school and met an Indian man living there and running the school with hopes of spreading the Gospel. It was so encouraging to sit, talk, pray and hear his passion for the Lord!

During the end of our trip we travelled to one of the holy cities (Rishikesh), saw the Ganges River, and visited a couple of Hindu temples. Going to these places allowed us to see more of the Hindu religion and the way many people in India are caught in false worship.

We were all deeply encouraged by the Believers we met in India, their desire for the Gospel to be known throughout their country and the ways they welcomed us into their lives. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement with this trip and our year in Memphis! Please continue to join us in praying for India and the seeds being planted in these villages.
