A Farewell Letter
SOS Family: It's with much emotion that I announce that I'm stepping down from my position as Camp Director at SOS to begin a position at Christ City Church as the Director of Operations and Community.
Words cannot explain the significant role SOS has played in my life. I first came to SOS as a camper in 2004, and I spent the summer of 2006 working as a Team Leader on SOS Summer Staff. God used that summer to grow my love for Jesus; give me a deep desire to serve the most vulnerable; and introduce me to a radically others-focused, Christ-centered, God-glorifying family. I also met Laura that summer and married her four years later. I spent two more years on summer staff then joined the full-time staff team in 2010. I've served as Camp Director for 3.5 years with coworkers who are my very best friends. I'm incredibly thankful to God that He introduced me to the SOS family, and I'm glad to know that I'll always be part of the family.
While this is a difficult move, it's also one that I'm excited about. God has given me a genuine love for the local church, and I've felt called to an active leadership role in the church for several years. Laura and I have been members of Christ City Church since it launched in 2010, so I'm overjoyed to take on a full-time role in leading a congregation that I care so deeply for.
I appreciate your prayers both for SOS and for my family during this season of transition. I rest deeply in the reality that God is both sovereign AND good. This truth is displayed in the gospel: that Christ lived, died, and rose again in order to create for Himself a new family. I pray you'll join me in spending your life celebrating and proclaiming this glorious news.