Celebrating 25 Years...
If you didn't make it to the SOS 25th Anniversary Celebration weekend, you missed a great party! Here are some highlights:
Summer Staff Alumni Reunion
- Over 80 summer staff alumni representing every summer from 2000 - 2010
- Central BBQ (BBQ nachos!)
- Staff Hottie of the decade (Wes Whitney was the winner!)
Saturday Service Project
- Over 100 volunteers cleared and cleaned 7 vacant lots in Binghampton
Celebration Event
- Over 200 people - summer staff, homeowners, board members, campers, volunteers
- Congratulatory remarks from Mayor A C Wharton
- Others shared - David Montague, James Loftin, Tom Marino, Maxie Dunnam
- A fantastic concert by Sandra McCracken
All in all, it was an amazing weekend where we were all reminded of God's faithfulness. We praise God for the countless lives He has changed in the past 25 years through SOS...Christ's love is still our only hope!
Here is a video from the Celebration Event. Check back later for videos from the Summer Staff Reunion and Service Project. Thanks to SOS summer staff alumnus, Crystal Richards Kitten, for putting these together!