How To Avoid Being A Christian Christmas Grinch

At SOS we talk a lot about how to better serve others as a response to and demonstration of the gospel. And Christmas is always a time of year when we especially want to do that well. Of course there are many traditional ways to serve others during Christmas - dropping your change in a Salvation Army bucket, giving gifts to charities in honor of someone, helping provide presents for kids who might not otherwise get any, etc.

But I think one of the best ways we can serve others at Christmas is by celebrating and rejoicing over Jesus. Christians should be the most joyful people at Christmas. But, unfortunately, we too often look for ways to criticize and condemn those who don't celebrate Christmas the "right" way.

Kevin DeYoung has written an excellent short post about this on the Gospel Coalition Blog entitled Christian Christmas Grinches. It's worth a read. Let us not be Christian Christmas Grinches. Instead let us serve others by pointing them joyfully to the true Reason for the season.

How will you rejoice and celebrate Christ's birth this year in such a way that it brings joy and hope to others?