Humble Beginnings...
Humility. That's really what Christmas is about. God becoming man. Born in a feeding trough. No fanfare. Just a few animals, a few shepherds in a humble, lowly stable. As we look to Jesus, who humbled himself that we might be exalted, let us seek to show that same humility to others this Christmas. Let us practice the downward mobility Christ modeled and find ways to love, serve, care for, assist, pray for others over ourselves. In doing that, we are truly living out the Christmas story. And we are showing others what Christmas is really about.
How will you spend your Christmas? Will you remember this Christmas by what presents you got or where you traveled or what great food you ate? Or will you remember this Christmas because of the joy you saw in others as you found ways to love and serve them?
We pray that this will be a season of serving others over ourselves for the glory of Jesus Christ. For only in doing that will people's hearts begin to be drawn away from a cultural, Christ-less Christmas and drawn in to worship Jesus as King!
Have a merry, humble, service-filled Christmas!
- the SOS crew