Meet the Interns...Jenna and Sarah

This week, you get to meet two of the four Academy interns - Jenna Claire Barto and Sarah Brubaker.

Jenna's internship has her working with SOS two days a week helping with homeowner relations and various other projects and A Way Out the other days of the week where she has the opportunity to minister to prostitutes and strippers.

Jenna was born and raised in Southern Pines, NC (U-N-C!), and recently graduated from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill with an Elementary Education and Recreational Administration Degree. Jenna made the move to Memphis for the first time when she came to join the Academy this August. Having never been here or worked with SOS before, she was told about the Academy and followed the Lord here in a desire to learn about and experience urban ministry while growing in her personal walk. She is excited to delve into whatever adventures the Lord has for her here as she gets the opportunity to live intentionally in Binghampton and intern at A Way Out and SOS.  She is also is a lover of ice cream, pandas, laughing, and all things Dolly Parton.

Sarah's internship has her working with refugees through Christ Community Ministries.  She will spend her time sharing Christ's love as she helps refugees settle into our city and learn to do life in America.

Sarah spent the past three summers working at SOS as part of the summer camp staff.  She graduated from Union University in May, 2011 with a Bachelor's in Social Work and decided to return to Memphis to be part of this year’s SOS Academy.  After growing up overseas and spending her final semester of college in South Africa, she is excited to be working with the Refugee Ministry connected with Christ Community Ministries.  Sarah loves making a variety of art, taking walks through her new neighborhood, and hiking in the mountains.

Check back next week to meet Maggie and Breezy.

As a reminder - Our interns are not paid and are each responsible for raising their own support for the year.  They are a HUGE blessing to our ministry and to our city.  Would you consider making a financial contribution towards their work this year?  You can give through our website here - DONATE - or by mailing in a check.  Just put "SOS Academy" in the memo, or if you would like to support a specific intern, write her name in the memo as well.

More info in the Academy HERE.

Meet Maggie and Breezy, our other two Academy interns here.


UncategorizedPhilip Walkley