No More, No Less | Guest Post by Summer Staffer Abigail Curry

Last summer I worked at SOS as a team leader, and was overwhelmed with how God used that time to reveal Himself to me. My favorite part of SOS is how it reflects and represents the gospel. Every single day that I spent time roofing under the hot sun, I was reminded that I can not earn something that’s already been given to me.

1 John 3:1 was a verse I really clung to, and always turned to when I would start to get prideful. This verse says, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”

My activity does not lead to my identity, and the things I do could never earn the love that Christ has for me. God gave me an identity and loves me fully which was made possible through Jesus, and out of that I get the incredible opportunity to serve Him.

When I felt like a terrible leader, failed my team or homeowner, and felt like God was looking down on me frowning, I had to remember that those were never the things that made Him love me in the first place. He loves me simply because He chooses to love me, and while that sounds so simple, it is also so complex to understand sometimes.

I am excited to be back at SOS this next summer and implement things I learned from last summer, but also eager to see how God will continue to challenge me, humble me, and teach me more about Him through the campers, adult leaders, coworkers, homeowner, and my own shortcomings.

I could roof every house in Memphis and His love for me would not increase. I could not roof a single house in Memphis and His love for me would not be any less. This is such a freeing thing to truly understand and believe.

A roof being reshingled is a slow process that does not happen overnight, just like how He makes His people more like Him over time through trials, and challenges. I will forever be thankful for SOS and how it has constantly pointed me to God’s grace rather than my own works.

Here’s to another summer of learning, tarping, and probably a third degree sunburn!

Serve, Summer StaffKelly