SOS Says Farewell to the President


Not Barack Obama. Nor the former Prime Minister of England. John Major, SOS Construction Director.

John, or Mr. President, as he has been affectionately called for years, is leaving SOS after almost 9 years of faithful service. John first came to SOS as a Construction Manager for the summer of 2004. Shortly after he was hired full time to serve as our Building Director, taking care of the SOS facility as well as assisting with all the construction aspects of camp. In 2006 John moved into the role of Construction Director where he has worked since. In all, John has worked 9 summers in a row at SOS!

John has accepted a position with A to Z Construction Services where he will help them launch and manage a new plumbing division. This job is a great opportunity for John and though he loves SOS and all its "organized chaos," he is definitely looking forward to a more "normal" job. We will miss him dearly, but we trust and thank God for this new opportunity for John.

It's hard to imagine SOS without John. He is one of the most patient and kind-hearted people around. People frequently speak of him as a father-figure, a great teacher, and a humble servant. John truly lived out our culture of Service Over Self in every way. As with others who have left SOS, even though John will not formally work with SOS anymore, he will always be a part of the SOS family.