Summer Staff Guest Post: Kieraney
Enjoy this guest post from one of our beloved campers-turned-summer staff, Kieraney.
"My summer at SOS was honestly my best one yet. Service Over Self is a place where you meet the Lord, and find that you could never leave the same once you have experienced all that this place has to offer.
My days were always jam packed with roofing, chapel, being poured into, and pouring out my all to middle schoolers and high schoolers from all over. With such a demanding schedule, I learned how important it is to be intentional with every second of every day that you are blessed with. You never know how much an encouraging word or kind gesture could drastically change the trajectory of someone's day, so I learned that it is important to approach each day with the intentionality that Christ did when He walked this Earth.
I also started to internalize how radical the Gospel truly is. Jesus came here to this Earth lived the most perfect life to die the death that I so desperately deserve, so that I could be one with Him and experience him everyday. Wait, What?! Similar to the gospel, Service Over Self leaves you the feeling the exact same way.
How radical is it that college students and teenagers from all over the United States come to Memphis, many without any construction background what so ever, to help repair homes and spread the gospel. Nothing else could explain this but Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus is present with us everyday throughout our every encounter, and it is very important that we learn to value and enjoy His presence in our everyday lives.