Spring Break Packing List

What Each Work Team Should Bring…

Remember:  If your group is divided into 2 or more work teams, each work team will need all of these supplies.  SOS will not buy any of the tools/supplies listed below for your teams.

  1. A vehicle to provide transportation to and from SOS to the worksite (Two teams can use one vehicle if necessary)

  2. First aid kits; one per team

  3. One drink cooler, such as an Igloo water jug, for each worksite (each team is responsible for their own drinks; water jugs can be filled with water and ice at the SOS building)

  4. Optional: Ice chests to keep lunches, snacks and drinks cool; A gift for the homeowner or neighbors you meet along the way. 

What Each Participant Should Bring…

  1. Clothes:

    • Work Day: Work boots or tennis shoes only (no sandals), t-shirts (no shirts will be allowed that have questionable images or messages), no tank tops or cut offs will be allowed for boys or girls (everyone is asked to wear a t-shirt), a sweatshirt or jacket, pants (no shorts) and work gloves.  Bring enough clothes for the entire week as you will not be able to wash your clothes. Memphis weather can be tricky in the spring. Remember to check the forecast and pack appropriately. Winter weather clothes/accessories may come in handy. Pack clothes that are “disposable”…they may  never be the same again!

    • Evening: Bring comfortable/casual clothes for the evening programs. You may want to pack different clothes for “Half-day Wednesday” when your group will be out enjoying the city of Memphis.

  1. Sleeping: Bring your own bedding and pillow (a sleeping bag or sheets for a twin-sized bed).  Bunk beds are provided, but no linens.

  2. Personal Items: Water bottle, mask, toiletries, towel, and a washcloth.  It might be a good idea to bring an extra old towel for those days you return from the worksite incredibly dirty.

  3. Money: Bring some spending money. There is an SOS store where participants can buy t-shirts, water bottles, sunglasses, books, etc. Also, on Wednesday night, you’ll be responsible for your own dinner out on the town! 

  4. Miscellaneous Items (Optional): tool belt, sunglasses, sunscreen, bandanas, Advil, prescription medications, ear plugs, playing cards, and a Frisbee.

Most Important: A Bible, journal and pen!