SOS Family Album: Stephen Copeland
Gather ‘round, SOS family! We’re pulling out a few pages of the family photo album.
We love good stories. And old pictures. And timeless lessons and encouragements and reasons for hope. Who better to share all of those things than some of the SOS alumni family?
Some staffers stick out among the impressive crowd when it comes to the level of wild, joy-filled antics and parking lot dances. Here is one such man! Joy, laughter, fun and adventure enter any room when he does. So, too, does kindness and care, empathy and encouragement.
This not-from-Memphis alum is a Memphian again and we couldn’t be happier for us or for the city we all love! Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only:
Stephen Copeland
Bing Team Leader ‘12 & SOS Academy Intern/114 Staffer ‘13-‘14
What are some favorite SOS moments/memories?
“Some of my favorite SOS memories include my cornhole rivalry with Big Dog - we would keep score on the back of one of the board sets. My first end-of-week celebration in the park which was a truly amazing experience. Living on Hollins Ave with Ethan Cagle - we were neighbors with the Wiigs, Ross’, Moses’ and the Rogers. Working with and learning from Nathan Cook when I interned at Christ Community Health Services. Riding along with Pastor Tommy at that same job. Grabbing Sonic and playing basketball with Dorian Moore (shoutout to Dmo) and the rest of the shop crew after a long work day. Frisbee Golf on summer Saturdays with Isaac McCammon, soccer with Johnny Doe in Binghampton Park and any time I got to spend with the incomparable Jeff Riddle. ”
What did you learn through your years and experiences at SOS?
“One of the biggest lessons I learned my first summer at SOS had to do with dignity. I believe it was Drew Haltom who first talked to us about partnering with our home owners in such a way that we tangibly met their needs without robbing them of their dignity.
That first summer I worked with a woman I called Miss Pearl. I can hardly remember the details of the work I did for her but I vividly remember her love and care. Miss Pearl introduced me to bread pudding, cooked for me, talked with me about life, we watched soap operas together and even shared her own story. When I pulled a muscle in my neck half-way through the summer, she brought me a new bag of ice every time the previous one melted without fail. She made me feel that I belonged in her home and in her city. I was young, prideful and woefully ignorant of what it truly meant to value someone’s dignity but she didn’t care; she loved me anyway.”
Memphis Favorites:
“Central BBQ, Casablanca, Shelby Farms, Tom Lee Park, Summer Ave, Choose901, The Heights CDC, and of course SOS. ”
What does your life look like these days?
“I am currently serving as the Director of Ministry Operations at The Avenue Community Church, a church committed to seeking shalom in the city of Memphis. ”
What’s your prayer for the SOS family?
“I pray that the Lord would continue to renew the city of Memphis through the work of SOS. I pray that as SOS faithfully teaches young men and women how to preach the gospel of grace in both word and deed that Memphis would be transformed by the dignifying grace of God. ”