Alumni Dispatch #6: EBC! RSVP!



Have you ever somehow been conditioned to long (enough!) days of manual labor in the Memphis heat and humidity? Like Hot Yoga meets Zumba meets Crossfit and goes construction and instead of flipping tires the WOD every day was carrying shingle packs up extension ladders? And all while fueled by Sonic slushes (don’t even on Sonic milkshakes on hot roofing afternoons!), popsicles, and rice krispie bars?

…and lived to tell about it?!

This is for you.

This is email #6 and, honestly, it’s hard to believe that in only...

press PLAY! press PLAY!

Ah, good to see that face slapping a table again! Thanks, Bentley!

Exactly. It’s hard to believe that on April 12th you got the first hints of this SOMETHING BIG…

…and now the EBC annual increase goal has been met!

…with matching rewards of $10k and another $1k to boot!

So it’s time to make your plans to join us for the massive EBC Alumni Family Reunion at SOS!

Friday, September 24 - Sunday, September 26, 2021. 

Let’s make this (nonbinding, just for fun-sies) official! Give us your name and headcount and we’ll start one of the happiest tallies we can think of!

We are happy, happy hens and want all our chicks to come home! So, who else?

Will you reach out to your staff team, dorm room, academy class, construction team, etc. and make sure the SOS family shows up?

We’re hoping it’ll be like one of those maxed-out camp weeks where the building just magically stretches to accommodate more and more and more. 

And we do thank you!

I like you people!

Papa Phil

Not an EBC member yet? The minimum commitment to join the EBC is only $5 per month! Sign up today!

Already an EBC member? Consider increasing your gift by $5 or $10 (or more!) per month. Just fill out this simple form and we’ll take care of the rest!

Get more details and follow our progress with updates about, you know…BIG THINGS over at the EBC HQ.

Money, money, money…isn’t the big “why” here. It’s ensuring the on-going and future efforts of SOS are sustained by, informed by, and representative of the very best and truest of SOS: you. The alumni family of SOS is some of the sweetest fruit of the work that God has done through SOS. We want you close, connected, and invested so that SOS can count you as wise counsel as we continue to seek a mission and a vision that heralds the Kingdom of our Good, Good King.

We’ve sought to create an entry level giving requirement that we hope will allow giving from diverse budgets. Should the monthly giving requirement be a hurdle too great, please reach out. We’d rather work to eliminate or lessen the hurdle than to lose your participation entirely!

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