Alumni Dispatch #7: I’ll Be There
Did you ever take proof of your 10-week job at SOS to your college advisor and assure them that “home repair in the heart of Memphis, TN!” was in fact clearly in line with your major, even though your major was something like education, communications, graphic design, general engineering, nursing, pre-law...Did you ever similarly tell your family that your big summer job at SOS was all about the experience and the wage was really best thought of as a jewel in your Heavenly crown?
…and lived to tell about it?!
This is for you.
Remember that fateful-feeling day when the staff servants finally shared the details on the SOMETHING BIG? Well, let’s just say, we’ve got some tea...
press PLAY! press PLAY!
Come. ON!
Honestly, even on an average day we’re like second only to Disney Land in our general level of happiness, but we’re (kindly!) jumping ahead of the Mouse and Goof when it comes to this thing!
A few more details to share with you, but with plenty of secrets left, too!
We’d love to welcome you to stay at SOS! Are we talking The Ritz? No...but our mattresses are both antimicrobial and waterproof. The Ritz ain’t got that action!
We’ll open the camper bunkhouses for families to stay in pods: Moms and daughters in the Women’s Camper Dorm and dads and sons in the Men’s Camper Dorm. We’ve got the flex dorms that we’ll reserve for families of babies or other families best suited with a bit more privacy (aka: a door).
Staff dorms will be open for adults staying sans kiddos.
...and you’re welcome to make your own accommodations for the weekend, but we can’t guarantee creaky bunks and squeaky mattresses anywhere else, so please recognize the risk you’ll be assuming in doing so.
All meals will be provided. That’s Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast. Snacks, too!
SOS will have childcare ready for kiddos at SOS during different activities that may not be such a thrill to the younger ones among us.
Weekend Itinerary:
Here are some basics both to get you more excited and to give you a better picture and know how to best plan:
Picnic dinner at SOS
Morning Discipleship
Morning Activities
Afternoon Pick-an-Activity
SOS will have a handful to choose from and we’ll also tap alumni to create some year/group-specific options.
Morning Discipleship
Chapel at SOS
Lots more details to come and some we’ll leave to surprise you with!
Again: this is our joy because you are such an incredible gift to us and such an important part of the work and story of SOS. And it seems to also be the great joy of some friends of SOS who are so generously sponsoring this weekend together.
We are impossibly thankful to have been knit into the story of God’s Kingdom-Coming together with each and all of you!
Let’s make this (nonbinding, just for fun-sies) official! Give us your name and headcount and we’ll add it to one of the happiest tallies we can think of!
We wanna max this thing out! Know other staffers who haven’t yet joined the EBC? It’s never too late and our club is never too full!
We’re signing off from the Monday emails for now, but still looking forward to SOMETHING BIG together soon. We’ll toss more updates out to you through the summer...perhaps a little snail-mail, too…
I like you people!
Papa Phil
Not an EBC member yet? The minimum commitment to join the EBC is only $5 per month! Sign up today!
Already an EBC member? Consider increasing your gift by $5 or $10 (or more!) per month. Just fill out this simple form and we’ll take care of the rest!
Get more details and follow our progress with updates about, you know…BIG THINGS over at the EBC HQ.
Money, money, money…isn’t the big “why” here. It’s ensuring the on-going and future efforts of SOS are sustained by, informed by, and representative of the very best and truest of SOS: you. The alumni family of SOS is some of the sweetest fruit of the work that God has done through SOS. We want you close, connected, and invested so that SOS can count you as wise counsel as we continue to seek a mission and a vision that heralds the Kingdom of our Good, Good King.
We’ve sought to create an entry level giving requirement that we hope will allow giving from diverse budgets. Should the monthly giving requirement be a hurdle too great, please reach out. We’d rather work to eliminate or lessen the hurdle than to lose your participation entirely!