SOS Academy Has A New Look!
We've made some exciting changes to the SOS Academy for next year. The SOS Academy is a one year internship that seeks to equip and encourage college-aged men and women as they learn to love God and their neighbor in the inner city of Memphis, TN. Here are some of the new components to the Academy:
- All interns will receive a comprehensive Biblical overview and discipleship training from the Downline Institute with Downline Ministries.
- Each week our interns will have the chance to build community through team prayer times, team dinners, and simply living life together in the inner city of Memphis.
- To help them learn more about ministry among the poor, interns will study and discuss books from a selected curriculum. Some books we will study include: Generous Justice by Tim Keller, When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor and Yourself by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert, Radical by David Platt, and Restoring At Risk Communities, edited by John Perkins, among others.
- All interns will participate in an International Vision Trip to expose them to the work of God around the globe. In the past we have been to places like Ethiopia, India, and China.
- For the majority of the week, interns will be serving at one of our many partner ministries, gaining tons of practical experience working among the urban poor. Some partner organizations include Eikon Ministries, BDC, CCHS, Cornerstone Prep, Memphis Urban Farms, and many others.
- Leadership development. All interns will gain practical and classroom leadership development. We will work through communication styles, StregthsFinder, spiritual gifts, and personality profiles to help all interns grow as leaders.
A typical week in the SOS Academy:
The SOS Academy runs from September 1 - August 5
Deadline to apply is June 30, 2011
Click here to apply today!