A Fallen Hero...

SOS lost a great champion on Monday, July 4 – John Naylor.  John went to be with the Lord after a long battle with cancer.  We will miss him here at SOS, but we are rejoicing that he is now with his Heavenly Father.

Most people probably don’t recognize his name apart from his partner in crime – Dick Klenz.  Dick and John.  For almost 15 years it was impossible to be involved with SOS without seeing these two guys in action.  They were both champions for empowering people. And they truly modeled Christ-like service towards others.

David Montague, former Executive Director of SOS, emailed these thoughts to me after he learned of John’s death.  I think it is a very fitting eulogy:

John Naylor was the truest servant and such a wonderful example of "service over self."  I cannot imagine SOS without John’s (and Dick's) help and humor.

Much of what makes SOS what it is today is the foundation, example, and consistency that John brought to SOS.  Like many things, the greatness or power of an organization or movement is really built on the backs of many "hidden" people that God raises up... not so much on the individual leaders who often get the most attention.

Such is the case with SOS and John Naylor.

We love you and will miss you John!  We praise God for your life!