Camp Registration Goes Live in TWO Days!
We are so close to opening up registration for 2018 camps and wanted to share some words that have encouraged us recently! If you're considering bringing a group to SOS next summer, we hope you don't just take our word for it-- those who come to camp are never the same!
If you have questions about what registration looks like, be sure to hop over to this helpful post full of tips!
We hope to see YOU on a roof in 2018!
"I was really impacted by SOS's whole mission and cause. Throughout my week, I was shown the love of God through your program and staff. Thank You!" -Camper
"My students were challenged to be bold in their faith and to think differently about poverty and people in material poverty. Many of them shared that they know they need to share their faith with someone when they get back home." -Adult Leader
"I realized that my walk with Christ is more about the "we" rather than the "me". People around me are impacted just as much or more than me and I can help more people follow my beliefs all together rather than separately." -Camper
"It was a time of breaking out of their comfort zones and really getting stretched in many ways. They [students] have really stepped up as leaders and have learned what true worship is." -Adult Leader
"I was challenged by the call to be a person who works for renewal and restoration in every place I go. I love seeing SOS model relationship-building and it always teaches me how to interact with those who are not like me." - Adult Leader
"I think for the past three years, Thursday nights have always been my favorite, because of reflection time. My friends and I always get together and just let everything out and I really feel God's presence the most then." - Camper
"I believe each of my students will walk away this week having learned both valuable life lessons and spiritual lessons." -Adult Leader
"SOS means the world to me and honestly I don't think my spiritual life and relationship with God would ever be the same. Stepping outside of our communies really changes perspective." - Camper