Five Reasons: Why Spending a Week at SOS Will Change Your Life

5 reasons why spending a week at SOS will change your lifeKelly Pitts

5. Neighborhood Love In an age of technological connectivity and personal disconnect, residents of Binghampton and Orange Mound are inspiring us to draw closer to our neighbors everyday. The neighborhoods we partner with are two that are no strangers to hard times--poverty, crime, failing schools. It would be natural for residents to turn inward out of fear or self-preservation, but the Lord is painting a different picture! Binghampton, the Heights, and Orange Mound are being renewed by the work of His hands and feet, through the church, through para-church ministries like SOS, Streets, BDC, and MAM, and through individuals who love and serve their neighbors with diligence and care. Come and rejoice in the tension between how far we’ve come and how far we have left to go!

4. Memphis is contagious As confirmed by our friends at Choose901, Now is the time and Memphis is the place. Our city is one of deep brokenness, we don’t deny that. But, that’s what makes it the most beautiful place to invest your gifts and enjoy your life. I dare you to spend a week, a month, or a year in Memphis. Come see and savor urban renewal, collaboration, and an incomparable food and arts scene. “If you love Memphis, Memphis will love you back.” -Chris Vernon

3. Diverse Relationships As a student, sometimes it’s hard to cultivate relationships with folks who are different than you. Genesis 1:27 says that God created all of mankind in His own image. In His image He created everyone of us. This means that all people are image-bearers of the King and Creator of the universe. Though it pushes us out of our comfort zone, it is necessary and good that we seek to invest in relationships with those who are different than us. Whether it is diversity of age, race, socioeconomic status, or cultural heritage, a diverse relational web is something that we believe in here at SOS and something you can start creating NOW. If you need a jumpstart, SOS is a great place to begin!

2. PLDPs (Parking Lot Dance Parties) Need I say more?

1. Encountering the gospel through service will change the trajectory of your entire life. Your life is in motion right now. Even though it may feel like you’re in a holding pattern - waiting for graduation, a real job, the next step - you’re on a moving train. Is your train going the direction that will glorify the Father and change the world? The decisions you make as a student, parent, youth leader, or young adult shape your life day by day. Don’t let days, months, years slip by without examining and committing to the trajectory of your steps. Start by encountering Jesus, seeing your sin and shame compared to his radiant glory, recieve the moment-by-moment forgiveness and restoration he freely offers us, and re-envision your life as one of His very own, a tool in His hands for good. Now is the time to start serving, loving, and participating in the renewal of this world alongside SOS’s volunteers, neighbors, supporters, and staff.

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