Meet Our Summer Staff: Kevin Bobo

How did you get connected to SOS? My mentor Sean

What is your role this summer?

I’m a highschool runner- this is my third year

What does a typical day look like?

I get breakfast kinda early. Go to the shop, have devos- we usually have testimony week the first week of camp. Everyone shares their testimony so we can get to know each other more.

Then after that, we open up shop. Our shop manager goes to the CM meeting to get calls and orders. We have someone bring our orders and then we automatically start our day. We start a little earlier than everyone else.

[During the day] we clean the shop, clean the grounds, mow the lawn & keep the facility clean. If we have anything else we need to do- like cut boards- we make sure we have that done so we are two steps ahead for tomorrow.

What is your favorite part about being a runner & working in the shop?

To get to serve others. We’re serving others so they can serve others. I have no problem with that at all. When it’s just us runners, when we go to sites, we get to talk to the campers so we get to meet a lot of people. We get to talk to them about the Lord even when we’re on the site. It encourages me so it encourages them.

What is the hardest part of your job?

It’s really easy to me cause I’ve been doing it for so long. But usually when we’re at the end of the summer, it’s blazing hot, but we still don’t stop.

What did you learn during the Shop talk this morning?

We usually have one of the runners teach, instead of the just the shop manager. Even the highschoolers get to teach. This morning we talked about the gift of God that he gives us to create something. We learned how God gave us the same gift he had. He came as a carpenter. It’s not a mistake that he came as a carpenter. He wanted to give us the same minds of creating and building. So we know how to build with our hands. We have to recognize that God gave us the gift to create just like he did. We can’t just depend on our-self to do it.

What music has been on the shop playlist lately?

Old school classics. Christian Rap.

Summer StaffKelly