National Youth Workers Convention Re-Cap!

Each year we have the opportunity to host a booth at the National Youth Workers Convention and this year it was on our own soil! We're thankful for this opportunity to meet youth workers from all over the U.S. while also seeing many familiar faces of faithful SOS camp attenders! Below are some additional  thoughts from Jake Wiig about the weekend. Photos via Youth Specialties  

It was amazing to be at Youth Specialties’ National Youth Workers Convention (NYWC) in the city that I love, MEMPHIS!

This was actually my first time attending NYWC and it was so fun! I loved seeing the energy and passion from so many people and organizations. I loved seeing all the creative ways people are looking to further the Kingdom through service and recreation.


The exhibit hall was a joy to walk through. There were organizations from all over the country, serving and working in places all over the world. At first glance, you’d think the exhibit hall was just about candy, t-shirts, and games, but all the craziness was just an expression of the depth and passion of the people there. It was so evident that these individual’s care deeply about God’s Kingdom, about seeking shalom.



