Book Recommendations

Here's a list of 5 books that we've read recently that have shaped the way we love and serve the inner-city neighborhoods God has called us to.  These are books that we've found particularly helpful lately in serving the "least of these."  What books would you add to this list?  Leave a comment below or tell us on Facebook or Twitter.



When Helping Hurts, by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert is an absolute must-read for any person seeking to love those who are "materially impoverished."  That means that anyone who considers him or herself a follower of Jesus should read this book and take seriously the Bible's commands to love the "least of these."





Bob Lupton has many years of experience in working in inner-city neighborhoods in Atlanta, and we all have much to learn from his wisdom.  Toxic Charity brings to light many of the harmful ("toxic") ways the Church has sought to help those in need and offers suggestions about how to begin to correct some of our mistakes.






Our work often means crossing socioeconomic and racial boundaries.  John Piper's new book, Bloodlines, is extremely helpful in helping us examine our heart's racial tendencies and do everything that we do as a response to the gospel.  This book is incredibly challenging and helpful.  Here's a short documentary about the book.






In his book Generous Justice, Tim Keller shows how our understanding of God's generous grace in the gospel should lead us to be people who pursue justice. This book is a great reminder of the gospel: the primary reason we work for justice.  Read more of our thoughts from Keller's book here.






Aaron Armstrong's book, Awaiting a Savior, is very short and helpful.  It's a much-needed reminder of the root issue behind poverty: sin, and our need for a Savior as the only hope for alleviating sin.  Armstrong paints a hopeful and biblical picture of the New Creation - a future reality in which there will be no sin and, therefore, no poverty.




We strongly recommend reading any or all of these books.  Are there any books that you would add to this list that have helped you work towards fulfilling God's charge to love the poor among us? Feel free to leave a comment or tell us on Facebook or Twitter.