#SOSmemphis13 Transforming Portraits
Camps, Summer StaffDrewBinghampton, camps, caroline bauman, memphis, service over self, sos, sosmemphis, urban home repair, youth
Keeping Your Hands Dirty & Your Heart Clean
Camps, Memphis, ServeDrewbirmingham, camp, caroline, hare, home repair, memphis, renewal, service over self, sos, sosmemphis, trinity, urban
Summer Update
CampsDrewalcy ball, Binghampton, camps, choose901, memphis, Orange Mound, service over self, sos, urban home repair, youth group
A New Neighborhood and New Partnerships
Camps, MemphisPhilip Walkleyalcy ball, church, development, divine life, Jesus, memphis, r enewal, service over self, sos, urban
Reflections on the Launch Conference
Meet Our New Construction Director!